Su Labor

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Una palabra acerca de Billy y su labor

Por Eva Bieri, Suiza

Mucho se ha escrito acerca de Eduard Albert Meier, quien es conocido como Billy, y mucho de ello esta lejos de ser positivo u objetivo. Pareciera que cada ser humano tiene su propia opinion subjetiva de que, o mejor quién es, Billy Meier. Sólo algunos pocos le conocen personalmente, y cuando lo hacen, no le conocen lo suficiente como para formarse una opinión objetiva acerca de él.

La mayoría de las personas le conectan con OVNIs, lo cual es lo mas probable, ya que sus fotos de OVNIS son bien conocidas en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, todo el tema de OVNIs es relegado mas y mas hacia las bambalinas, y entonces su mayor oficio resalta distintívamente: El es un Escritor quien ha escrito ya miles de páginas, y no precisamente novelas --aunque sin embargo él ha escrito algunas-- pero el contenido de sus escritos estimula el pensamiento y le da a cada persona la iniciativa de preguntarse aún muchas más preguntas y, a través de ello, lograr obtener incluso más respuestas. Él el el autor de un sinnúmero de libros que han sido escritos en un lenguage maravilloso y entendible. Las líneas de sus libros conducen a mundos de los cuales ni siquiera hemos soñado aún. Él provee de nutrimento a nuestros sueños y permite a nuestras fantasía girar tocando cuerdas dentro de nosotros y haciéndolas vibrar, algo que quizá nunca hayamos descubierto nosotros.

Billy es el autor de muchos libros muy interesantes y de fácil lectura. Porqué la mayoría no se percata de ésto? Ellos definen a Billy sólamente a través de sus photos de OVNIs, ya séan éstas genuinas o no. Es simplemente un desperdicio de tiempo. Ellos no se dan cuenta de que la tarea y principal ocupación de Billy es ecribir y enseñar. Él hace ésto con una maestría y con una fluidez que cada frase cae y es justa y prcisa en su significado. Y todo ésto es logrado al primer intento, sin tener que corregir frases o contenido. Éso no podrá ser imitado fácilmente por los autodenomidados autores, quienes una y otra vez intentan sacar brillo a sus libros por años, hasta que, en últimas, los publican. Mientras tanto --como regla-- Billy escribe un libro en pocas semanas o en dos o tres meses, y con contenido valioso.

Billy has worked in a great variety of activities in many different professions, in order to ultimately being literally left sitting with the most difficult and ambitious work--to the luck of all people who read and study his books, and who are grateful that all of those tremendously big treasures have been written down by him and are recorded in writing.[1]


His most important work

The most important book, in the Billy Meier case, used to be the OM. But now it is the Kelch der Wahrheit, which means, Goblet of the Truth. People have been asking themselves, what makes the 'Goblet of the Truth', more important, than the OM? Well, Badr (of the FIGU forum) has been able to obtain, a few pages of the book, and this is what he had to say.

Hi again Dave,

Regarding to your post that was posted on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 02:59 am in Discussionboard of FIGU » The Mission » Translations

Having had the chance to read some of the book “Kelch der Wahrheit” I thought I might as well tell you and others a little bit more about it, then I already have.

As mentioned previously it is the teachings that were given to earth humans by the other 5 prophets of the 7 in the linage. Basically the difference I noticed between this new book and the OM is that this new book goes into a bit more details about ways to go about doing thing like trade for example and suggestions of certain initiatives that would protect the consumer which I have not heard of before. Certain things are cleared for example in relation to marriage and kids, homosexuality, inheritance, fasting, gambling, war and many more things but not everything is new to us “meaning that Billy had written about some related things in his earlier writings”.

It is very interesting to see how the teachings back in the days had so much details of how to go about doing things. While reading I can see the wisdom of the suggestions being given and how much it would improve our life compared to our existing “laws and regulation”. But also sad that it never bore any fruit, because of this I can see much resistance from the people in power towards this book. This book is another chance to spread the forgotten and suppressed teachings of the old prophets. The OM on the other hand seemed to focus more on wise sayings, aphorisms, history and so on.

I will repeat again the book has still not been published yet. I would be happy to inform everyone once it’s published, it would be probably in this topic.

PS: While I was on my vacation to Switzerland, Billy had made it clear to the people around him at that time that the English translation of the word “Kelch” should be Goblet. As there was a little mistake in the initial translation.[2][3]

Salome, Badr


Further Reading
